
USA Student Run Free Clinic Constitution and By-Laws


â–¼   Article I:  Name and Purpose

Article I: Name and Purpose

Section A: Name

The name of this organization shall be University of South ×îÉ«Íø Student-Run Free Clinic, hereinafter referred to as USASRFC. 

Section B: Purpose

The purpose of the USASRFC will be the following:

To Serve:

  • Improve the health status of vulnerable or underserved populations.
  • Provide preventative care and health education to the patients of the USASRFC.
  • Provide referrals for patients who need direct mental or medical care.
  • Identify and facilitate access to existing community resources as needed to improve patient wellness.
  • Link community stakeholders and leaders to improve the health status of the underserved within the Mobile community.

To Teach:

  • Provide service-learning opportunities for students in the USA College of Medicine, College of Nursing, the College of Allied Health Professions, the Department of Social Work, Auburn University Harrison School of Pharmacy, and other participating departments.
  • Facilitate interprofessional collaboration among students through team-based patient care experiences.
  • Give students real-world opportunities to refine clinical skills, to improve patient-provider communication, and to provide health education.
  • Develop concepts of patient-centered care including patient advocacy and patient privacy protection
  • Equip students to engage and effectively care for diverse and underserved populations
  • Provide opportunities for self-directed student research and presentation of findings at national conferences
  • Entrust meaningful leadership experiences to students 
â–¼   Article II:  Officers

Article II: Officers

Section A: Officers

  • Executive Committee Officers - The executive committee officers shall be President(s), Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer/SGA liaison, Research Coordinator(s), Outreach Coordinator(s), Volunteer Coordinator,  Project Coordinator(s), Technology Coordinator, and Patient Education Coordinator(s).
  • Supporting Committee Officers - The supporting officers shall be Discipline Liaisons, Executive Director Emeritus, and Clinic Coordinators.

Section B: Eligibility

Officers must be highly motivated, full time students in the University of South ×îÉ«Íø College of Medicine, University of South ×îÉ«Íø College of Nursing, University of South ×îÉ«Íø College of Allied Health Professions, University of South ×îÉ«Íø Department of Social Work, and Auburn University Harrison College of Pharmacy who demonstrate a genuine interest in the USASRFC. Prior to the semester applying, applicants must have volunteered at least once at the clinic to be eligible.

Section C: Applications

Officer applications shall be distributed during the first week of November, and selections will be held during the last week of November. Final selection will be announced in December with officer transitions occurring at the final meeting of the semester. The application will at minimum consist of the following:

  • Each applicant will rank their top three positions and list any position they are not willing to hold.
  • The application will have a box to check for returning a board member to indicate their previous board involvement.
  • Current board members who are applying shall not reveal which positions they are running for.
  • All positions are equally available to both current board members and the general student population. The exceptions are with the President and Vice President, who must have served on the board for at least one year.
  • All applications will be sent to the current President.
  • All peer evaluation for all returning board members must be submitted to the Faculty Advisor no later than the application due date. 

Section D: Selection

Officer selection will be held by the Board Selection Committee, which consists of the all outgoing board members, Faculty Advisor, and the Faculty Advisory Board.  All applications will be blinded, with only the President and Faculty Advisor having the key.  The committee will use an assessment rubric specific to each position, giving every candidate a numerical value to use when comparing applicants.  For returning officers their peer-evaluation form will be attached to their application. Voting will occur anonymously and electronically.  Applicants will be chosen by majority vote with the President(s) and Faculty Advisor having final say if an even tie or an agreement cannot be reached.

Section E: Officer Requirements

All elected officers will be expected to:

  • Attend a 4 hour orientation at the beginning of their term.
  • Volunteer a minimum of 1-2 times per semester, depending on availability and clinic dates.
  • Distribute post-clinic notes within two days of clinic coordination.
  • Maintain officer responsibilities throughout the active year.

Section F: Term

The officers shall serve for one year and their term of office shall begin in January and end in December at the final transition meeting. 

Section G: Peer Review

All officers will undergo a peer evaluation at the end of their term. These will be sent to the Faculty Advisor.  The Faculty Advisor will compile the responses into one document for every board member. Only when the new board has been selected, will the reviews be released to the individual board members.  

Section F: Termination of an Officer

  • Officers will operate on a 3 strike policy.
    • Officers will receive strikes for missing meetings or skipping coordinator days without a valid excuse as deemed by the President(s) and Faculty Advisor. Notice of absence to be excused must be submitted at least a week in advance unless for medical reasons or other emergent situations.
    • Officers may also receive strikes for not fulfilling their position’s obligations throughout the year.
  • A meeting will be held by the President(s), Vice President, and Faculty Advisor to review officers who have received two strikes to decide what course of action to take. Once an officer has received 3 strikes, they will be terminated.
â–¼   Article III:  Duties of Officers

Article III: Duties of Officers

Section A: President(s)

It shall be the duty of the President(s) to:

  • Go above and beyond to be a champion of the USASRFC, protecting the integrity of the clinic’s bylaws and acting as the primary liaison between the USASRFC Executive Committee and administration from all involved departments.
  • Preside over Executive Committee meetings.
  • Execute the delivery of all orders and resolutions carried into effect by the Executive Committee.
  • Monitor and assist all committees as needed.
  • Along with the Vice President, represent the clinic in official capacities.
  • Lead the Executive Committee and Advisory Committee members of the USASRFC to continuously pursue the betterment of the clinic and the improvement of patient care.
  • Shall serve as Executive Director Emeritus for the year following their original term, in order to guide the transition into a new board at the completion of a board term and to act as a mentor to aid the incoming president(s).
  • Form and meet with the Faculty Advisory Committee.
  • Find preceptors for clinic days.
  • Oversee the application process for the next incoming board by receiving all board applications, decoding the applications, and sitting on the Board Selection Committee.
  • Rotate with the other officers as the clinic coordinator.

Section B: Vice President

It shall be the duty of the Vice President to:

  • Go above and beyond to be a champion of the USASRFC, protecting the integrity of the clinic’s bylaws.
  • Fill in for the President(s) if neither officer can be present.
  • Work with the officers and clinic committees to coordinate projects.
  • Along with the President(s), represent the clinic in official capacities when needed.
  • Develop and oversee the subcommittees.
  • Update weekly and monthly checklist to hold all members accountable of their duties.
  • A member of the Board Selection Committee to elect the upcoming Executive Board.
  • Rotate with other officers as the clinic coordinator.

Section C: Secretary

It shall be the duty of the Secretary to:

  • Keep clinic records including:
    • Attendance of meetings and clinic days.
    • Take notes at meetings and distribute to individuals in attendance.
    • If unable to attend a meeting, the secretary is responsible for designating a note-taker for the meeting in which the secretary will be absent.
    • Maintain a roster of officers and volunteers with contact information.
  • Schedule clinic meetings and notify officers.
  • Maintain all clinic documents (by-laws, meeting minutes, contracts) in a central repository and ensure all documents are shared with the Faculty Advisory Committee, Operations Chair, and incoming student executive board.
  • Ensure the post-clinic email is sent to the Executive Committee and Faculty Advisory Committee by the Tuesday following clinic.
  • Update all forms used at the clinic and keep an updated list of facilities the clinic refers patients to.
  • Rotate with other officers as the clinic coordinator.

Section D: Treasurer/SGA Liaison

It shall be the duty of the Treasurer/SGA Liaison to:

  • Keep records of the USASRFC’s funding and expenses, including maintaining the annual budget.
  • Manage all funds associated with the clinic, including approving orders placed by other committee members, alongside Faculty Advisor.
  • Shall disburse the funds of the SRFC as may be ordered by the USASRFC Executive Committee, obtaining proper proof for such disbursement and shall deliver to the executive committee, whenever they require it, an account of all transactions and the financial condition of the SRFC.
  • Monitor inventory of supplies at clinic sites and ensure that the Executive Committee takes efforts to reorder needed items or resupply needed items through fundraising drives.
  • Actively seek and create processes that allow for USA SRFC to apply for local and national grants.
  • Work with the Outreach Coordinator(s) to obtain university and student government funding.
  • Fulfill the role and associated duties of the SGA representative for the USASRFC.
  • Attend SGA required functions on the behalf of the USASRFC.
  • Rotate with other officers as the clinic coordinator.

Section E: Research Coordinator(s)

It shall be the duty of the Research Coordinator(s) to:

  • Work with the student research committee and the faculty research steering committee to implement research projects pertaining to the clinic.
  • Maintain a record of research projects associated with the clinic, including obtaining updates on approved projects and associated publications.
  • Attend and organize student presentations for the annual Society of Student-Run Free Clinics Conference in order to gain new ideas of how to continue improving the USASRFC as well as to present research projects.
  • Preside over all research meetings with faculty members and other research committee meetings.
  • Rotate with other officers as the clinic coordinator.

Section F: Outreach Coordinator(s)

It shall be the duty of the Outreach Coordinator(s) to:

  • Promote and advertise services offered by USASRFC to patient populations.
    • Advertise clinic dates and hours to community agencies.
    • Coordinate with the Executive Committee and other organizations, including the Salvation Army of Coastal ×îÉ«Íø, to provide events and educational programming that promote the wellness of our patients and also recruit patients to the clinic.
  • Cultivate external relationships that can advance the mission and goals of USASRFC.
    • Actively seek grants and resources for both patients and the clinic, including supplies, referral options, pamphlets, equipment, and donations for patients.
    • Manage any social media including Facebook Page and Instagram, utilizing social media to enhance USASRFC’s presence in the community.
    • Be responsible for drafting written and verbal communications on behalf of the USASRFC and Executive Committee, including websites, press releases, alumni newsletters of various disciplines (if applicable), and marketing materials, both internal and external.
  • Rotate with other officers as the clinic coordinator.

Section G: Volunteer Coordinator 

It shall be the duty of the Volunteer Coordinator to:

  • Work with discipline liaisons to establish a volunteer pool.
  • Establish and maintain training guidelines and ensure all volunteers have been adequately trained.
  • Recruit additional disciplines as needed to help ensure quality patient care at USASRFC.
  • Manage the volunteer schedule of the executive board.
  • Rotate with other officers as the clinic coordinator.

Section H: Project Coordinator(s)

It shall be the duty of the Project Coordinator(s) to:

  • Organize the annual USASRFC fundraiser.
  • Work with the Outreach Coordinator(s) to organize donation drives and fundraisers based on the needs of the USASRFC.
  • Communicate with stakeholders and community members to promote the USASRFC.
  • Coordinate and maintain projects of the Executive Committee.
  • Rotate with other officers as clinic coordinator.

Section I: Technology Coordinator

It shall be the duty of the Technology Coordinator to:

  • Maintain the Google Drive and USASRFC website.
  • Establish and maintain the clinic’s electronic medical record as we transition from paper records to EHR.
  • Oversee the technology subcommittee.
  • Rotate with other officers as clinic coordinators.

Section J: Patient Education Coordinator(s)

It shall be the duty of the Patient Coordinator(s) to:

  • Coordinate patient education activities at Salvation Army held prior to the clinic every week to promote wellness, health education, and rapport with the residents of Salvation Army.
  • Organize a curriculum for group sessions so that every week has a group leading the session.
  • Ensure there are volunteers to help run the group session(s) each week.
  • Work with Discipline Liaisons to reach out to student organizations and interest groups to lead a group session.
  • Oversee the patient education subcommittee to brainstorm ideas for future group sessions and allow the subcommittee members to run a group session.
  • Host patient education once per month.
  • Rotate with other officers as clinic coordinator.

Section K: Discipline Liaisons

Includes liaison(s) for the following disciplines: medicine, pharmacy, nursing, audiology, physical therapy, occupational therapy, recreational therapy, clinical and counseling psychology, and any discipline recruited to the clinic in the future. 

It shall be the duty of the Discipline Liaisons to:

  • Attend executive meetings and facilitate communication between the officers and their respective disciplines.
  • Organize and oversee a committee within their respective disciplines to more efficiently manage volunteers among differing classes, as necessary.
  • Collaborate with the Volunteer Coordinator to train and organize volunteers from their respective disciplines.
  • Accept responsibility for staffing the clinic with volunteers from their respective disciplines and communicating staffing to Volunteer Coordinator.
  • Plan and host one patient education session once per semester.
  • Rotate with other officers as clinic coordinator.
â–¼   Article IV:  Executive Committee

Article IV: Executive Committee

Section A: Responsibility

Management of the USASRFC shall be vested in an Executive Committee, whose members’ responsibility is to uphold these outlined bylaws. 

Section B: Membership

The executive committee shall include the officers and liaisons from each discipline represented in the clinic.  These disciplines include: Medicine, Nursing, Physician Assistant, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Audiology, Pharmacy, Recreational Therapy, Clinical Counseling, Legal Service, Social Work, and other disciplines as benefits the USASRFC patient population. 

Section C: Meetings

The executive officers shall meet on the first Monday of every month during the academic semester to organize and plan for future clinic days and events. Attend additional meetings per month as needed. Supporting officers will be required to meet once a month unless notified beforehand.

Section D: Quorum

A quorum shall consist of 2/3 of the executive committee officers. 

Section E: Voting

From time to time, the executive committee will need to vote on certain issues, such as selection of new officers or amendments to the constitution and bylaws. To initiate a vote, a quorum must be present. The vote is called to order by the meeting chair (i.e. the -President) and put to a vote by the executive committee.  Each executive committee member will have one vote. The majority vote wins. In the case of a tie, the decision lies in a majority consensus amongst the President(s) and Vice President. 

Section F: Amendments

These By-Laws shall not be altered, amended, or repealed unless by and with the consent and approval of a majority of the Executive Committee

â–¼   Article V:  Clinic Operations

Article V: Clinic Operation

Section A: Pre-clinic Meeting

All volunteers participating in patient education should arrive at 12:45 PM and all volunteers should arrive promptly at 2:00 PM for the Pre-Clinic Meeting. Two members of the executive committee serving as clinic coordinators that day will preside over the meeting. The meeting shall include introductions, a brief description of the clinic flow, responsibilities of volunteers, safety information, and team assignments.

Section B: Clinic

Patient education shall be held every Friday from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM and the clinic shall be held every Friday from 2:30 PM to 5:00PM at Salvation Army. 

Section C: Post-clinic Meeting

The post-clinic meeting will convene after the last patient is seen and shall adjourn no later than 5:30 PM. A member of the executive committee serving as clinic coordinator that day will preside over the meeting. The meeting shall include feedback from the volunteers about their experience, an interactive discussion with the health care practitioners promoting student education and interprofessional collaboration, and general announcements. 

Section D: Volunteers

Volunteers shall consist of students from the University of South ×îÉ«Íø College of Medicine, University of South ×îÉ«Íø School of Allied Health Professions, University of South ×îÉ«Íø College of Nursing, University of South ×îÉ«Íø Department of Social Work, and Auburn University Harrison School of Pharmacy. In order for the clinic to function smoothly, a minimum of 4 volunteers and 2 executive committee coordinators should be present at the Dauphin Street Salvation Army location.  

Section E: Patients

Patients seen in the USASRFC at the Salvation Army must be 18 years or older.

Section F: Patient Encounter

The patient will first sign in at the waiting area designating they would like to see the healthcare team. The student receptionist will log the patient’s time of sign-in, visit start time, and visit end time. Patients will be called back to the exam room in the order in which they sign in. The patient will write their name and self-report their height on their paper chart. They will give this paper chart to the student healthcare team when they enter the exam room. Volunteers should take vitals and interview patients in groups of two or three. After the patient encounter, two students will present to the preceptor and have the preceptor sign off on the patient assessment sheet. Then, the student volunteers will re-enter the patient room to give final recommendations and dismiss the patient. Patient health data will be tracked on the patient chart and then entered in an electronic record system (when this system is available).

Section G: Services Provided

Student volunteers may provide general health screenings. Health screenings may include physical and cognitive assessment, blood pressure check, blood sugar check, and medication therapy review. Education and referral will be provided on a case by case basis. ACC/AHA 2021 guidelines will be used for blood pressure checks and referrals. ADA 2021 guidelines will be used for blood sugar checks and referrals. Guidelines will be updated when available. 

Section H: Faculty

Practitioners, data management and resource support faculty, and any other faculty from represented disciplines may be present to serve as resources and provide guidance to the students. It is not mandatory that a faculty member be in the exam room with the students. Based on the students’ comfort level, faculty may be called in the room to consult and should be consulted when a patient presents with something that is out of scope of the wellness clinic.

â–¼   Article VI:  Faculty Advising Committee

Article VI: Faculty Advising Committee

Section A: Faculty

There shall be a faculty and staff advisory committee.

Section B: Duties

The responsibilities of the faculty advisory committee shall be:

  • Be a champion for the USASRFC and promote the clinic within their respective discipline.
  • Assist with the coordination and oversight of volunteer recruitment and training.
  • Maintain an awareness of the activities and programs of the USASRFC.
  • Be available to meet with the leaders of the USASRFC to discuss upcoming clinic dates, long range plans, goals, and problems that may arise.
  • Offer guidance and advice to leaders of the USASRFC in goal setting and program planning.
  • Explain and clarify institutional policy and procedures that apply to the USASRFC.
  • Assist the student treasurer in monitoring expenditures, fundraising activities, and applying for grants.
  • Assist the student Research Coordinator(s) in planning and executing productive research studies while following guidelines laid out by the IRB.
  • Inform leadership and volunteers of those factors that constitute unacceptable and unprofessional behavior and the possible consequence of said behaviors.
â–¼   Article VII:  Committees

Article VII: Committees

Section A: Research Committee

A research committee composed of students from the University of South ×îÉ«Íø College of Medicine, University of South ×îÉ«Íø School of Allied Health Professions, University of South ×îÉ«Íø College of Nursing, University of South ×îÉ«Íø Department of Social Work, and Auburn University Harrison School of Pharmacy who are interested in planning and implementing research projects within the USASRFC.  The committee will be led by the Research Coordinator(s). Membership is voluntary. A faculty research steering committee will oversee and assist the research committee as necessary. 

Section B: Development Committee

The development committee will be composed of students from the University of South ×îÉ«Íø College of Medicine, University of South ×îÉ«Íø School of Allied Health Professions, University of South ×îÉ«Íø College of Nursing, University of South ×îÉ«Íø Department of Social Work, and Auburn University Harrison School of Pharmacy who are interested in planning and implementing fundraising for the USASRFC. As a goal, at least one fundraising event or initiative should be planned each semester to raise money for clinic supplies and to increase community awareness of the clinic. The Project Coordinator(s),  Treasurer,, and Community Outreach Coordinator(s) will compose the core body of the Development Committee. Membership beyond members of the executive council is voluntary, but discipline liaisons will assist in recruiting volunteers from their respective student bodies with final decisions on development committee members.  It will be the core body’s job to notify the rest of the board with any updates to events or initiatives in a timely manner to allow adequate time to plan and oversee these events or initiatives. If adequate time is not possible due to the nature of the event, the chair needs to at least notify the President(s), Vice-President, and the Property Manager of the clinic as soon as possible so a decision can be made as quickly as possible.

Section C: Technology Committee

The technology committee will be composed of students from the University of South ×îÉ«Íø College of Medicine, University of South ×îÉ«Íø School of Allied Health Professions, University of South ×îÉ«Íø College of Nursing, University of South ×îÉ«Íø Department of Social Work, and Auburn University Harrison School of Pharmacy who are interested in helping implement the EHR and maintain the website of USASRFC.  Whenever possible, one technology committee member will present on clinic days as tech support.  The Technology Coordinator(s) will lead the technology committee. Membership is voluntary. 

Section D: Patient Education Committee

The patient education committee will be composed of the  students from the the University of South ×îÉ«Íø College of Medicine, University of South ×îÉ«Íø School of Allied Health Professions, University of South ×îÉ«Íø College of Nursing, University of South ×îÉ«Íø Department of Social Work, and Auburn University Harrison School of Pharmacy who are interested in planning for the USASRFC.  The committee will help develop ideas for patient education and be involved in hosting patient education.  The committee will be led by the Patient Education Coordinator(s) and membership is voluntary. 

Section E: Special Committees

The President(s) shall have the authority to appoint any special committees, with the approval of the Executive Committee, from time to time as need demands. 

â–¼   Article VIII:  Non-Discrimination Policy

Article VIII: Non-Discrimination Policy

Section A: Non-Discrimination

Membership in the University of South ×îÉ«Íø student organizations is open to all regularly enrolled students. Accordingly, no person may be excluded from membership or leadership in a registered student organization due to race, color, religion, national origin, age, gender (unless exempt under Title IX), sexual orientation, disability or veteran status; provided, however, that registered student organizations may limit their membership to students who, upon individual inquiry, affirm that they support the organization’s religious political or other legally protected views, consistent with the First Amendment.

â–¼   Article IX:  Risk Management

Article IX: Risk Management

Section A: Emergency Situations During Patient Visit

If at any time during the patient visit, a patient has a critical vital sign, is in medical distress, is exhibiting aggressive behavior, or a patient states that he or she wants to harm him or herself or others, the volunteer should notify an executive committee member and a faculty member immediately. 

Section B: Bags Within the Clinic

When entering the clinic at Salvation Army (Dauphin Street), all bags (including duffle, backpack, purses, etc.) should be checked with the officer on duty at the front door. There will be a sign visible within the lobby to notify patients of this policy. No bag should go beyond the clinic lobby/leisure area and should not enter any clinic room with volunteers present. If any volunteer notices a patient with a prohibited item within the patient encounter rooms, they should notify a clinic coordinator or the officer on duty immediately. The clinic coordinators will discuss how to handle adverse situations involving prohibited items as a part of the volunteer pre-clinic briefing.

Section C: Weapons Within the Clinic

When entering the clinic at Salvation Army (Dauphin Street), all weapons (knife, gun, sharp object, etc.) should be checked with the officer on duty at the front door. There will be a sign visible within the lobby to notify patients of this policy. No weapon should go beyond the clinic lobby/leisure area and should not enter any clinic room with volunteers present. If any volunteer notices a patient with a prohibited item within the patient encounter rooms, they should notify a clinic coordinator or the officer on duty immediately. The clinic coordinators will discuss how to handle adverse situations involving prohibited items as a part of the volunteer pre-clinic briefing.