Special Events Definition
Events that meet at least one of these criteria will be considered for publishing to the University of South ×îÉ«Íø (USA) master special events calendar.
- Home athletic events
- Events that have appeal outside of their home department, division or content area
- Events that have a significant amount of media presence
- Events that have a high amount of administrator attendance
- Events that have at least 100 or more expected guests
- Events that are promoted/classified as University wide events
- Events that will require a large portion of the University’s parking real estate
- Events that require a large presence from University police
- Events that require road closures on campus
- Events requiring USA transportation planning
- Events requiring ticket purchases
Examples of events that could appear on the USA master calendar include:
- Distinguished alumni awards
- USA Day
- Commencement
- Building dedications
- College sponsored conferences
- Laidlaw faculty concert series
- Celebrate Hope
- Select Jaguar Productions events
- 5K Runs
Events that are not likely to appear on the USA master special events calendar include:
- Away athletic events
- Private or restricted events
- Student events that are exclusively for students
- Department or divisional meetings
- Trainings that are for internal staff only
Examples of events that would not appear on the USA master calendar include:
- New Hire Orientation
- Pan Hellenic Council meetings
- Yoga Instructor training
- Dean’s Council meetings
- Administrative Council meetings