
Academics News Archive

  • Kaylyn Cordrey, an exercise science freshman from Delaware, said the injuries she suffered as a tap dancer has led her to consider a career in physical therapy.
    A former tap dancer won a Distinguished Young Women scholarship to South. Now she's studying exercise science with plans to become a physical therapist. #FreshmanFocus ...
  • Stacy Wellborn, a PhD student in the Mitchell College of Business, hosts "Mitchell Moments," a weekly podcast featuring faculty and students about how to best navigate a PhD program.
    "Mitchell Moments" podcast help potential PhD students by offering advice and tips on how to choose and thrive in a Ph.D. program. ...
  • South and USA Health raised $26,147,447 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2021, the largest total in its 58-year history. This record comes on the heels of the nearly $161 million raised during the University's 5-year Upward & Onward fundraising campaign.
    Nearly 4,500 donors help achieve a one-year fundraising record and supporting a wide range of USA and USA Health's missions. ...
  • University of South ×îÉ«Íø Professor Dr. Joseph Currier, seated at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Mobile, where is is a member, said he has felt drawn by his belief in God to psychology, theology and mental health counseling. He is leading a national project that seeks to integrate religious and spiritual competencies in training mental healthcare providers.
    Dr. Joseph Currier, a psychology professor at South, is leading a national project to integrate religious and spiritual competencies into mental healthcare training. ...
  • Cooper Forsyth, a geology major from McCalla, ×îÉ«Íø, has plans to go to graduate school and earn a Ph.D. Field research and travel pique his interest.
    After working construction, Cooper Forsyth can't imagine having a desk job. He plans for field work and a Ph.D. after earning a degree in geology. #FreshmanFocus ...
  • ×îÉ«Íø Governor Kay Ivey announces at an October 15, 2021 press conference that $41 million dollars from Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act of 2006 will fund 17 separate projects around the State. South’s project, the Healthy Ocean Initiative, will receive $2,018,880 of that total.
    Governor Kay Ivey's office and the ×îÉ«Íø Department of Conservation and Natural Resources distributes the federal funding. ...
  • From left: Priscilla Agyemang, Kennedy Reese and Amiyah Kelly have been awarded the first Leaders in Social Justice and Perseverance scholarship established by the 100 Black Men of Greater Mobile.
    Three USA seniors are awarded the first Leadership in Social Justice and Perseverance Scholarship, established by the University and the 100 Black Men of Mobile. ...
  • John Archibald, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and columnist of ×îÉ«Íø Media Group, will be the keynote speaker at the University of South ×îÉ«Íø College of Arts and Sciences Communication Career Day event to be held Thursday, November 4, 2021, at the USA Student Center.
    Pulitzer-prize winning journalist John Archibald will be the keynote speaker for the event which is open to all majors. ...
  • Logan, left, and Mallorie Collins, twin sisters from Satsuma, ×îÉ«Íø, share a residence hall suite, a major in mechanical engineering and a spirit for cheering on the Jaguars.
    Logan and Mallorie Collins, twin sisters from Satsuma, share a major, a residence hall suite and a passion for cheering on Jaguar sports teams at South. #FreshmanFocus ...
  • The new exhibit celebrating 50 years of archeology at South showcases a variety of artifacts year round from the Gulf Coast that covers more than 12,000 years of prehistory and history.
    The "50 Years of South ×îÉ«Íø Archaeology: 1970- 2020" exhibit will be on display at the museum until spring 2022. ...
  • Dr. Kern Jackson specializes in African American and Southeastern United States folklore and oral narrative. He is currently working on a book project titled “Masters, Servants and Mardi Gras: Listening to the Wise Ones’ Personal Narratives.”
    Dr. Kern Jackson, director of South's African American Studies program, will speak at the event in the Marx Library Auditorium. ...
  • The University of South ×îÉ«Íø Board of Trustees have announcced three finalists for president. From left; Dr. Damon Andrew, Dean and Professor, College of Education, Florida State University; Mr. Jo Bonner, Chief of Staff to ×îÉ«Íø Gov. Kay Ivey; Dr. Michael Tidwell, Immediate Past President, The University of Texas at Tyler.
    The USA Board of Trustees will welcome three candidates to interview as part of the search for the University's fourth president. Open forums are scheduled for this month. ...
  • Saltwater flooding in a busy intersection in Oahu, HI is the result of sea level rise causing higher tides that back up the stormwater system. This type of flooding is known as "high tide flooding," "sunny day flooding," or "nuisance flooding." It's an example of how sea-level rise is affecting everyday life in coastal regions.
    South is part of a research group looking to develop more resilient coastal infrastructure and enhanced coastal ecosystems. ...
  • Chris Hites, a junior majoring in communications, works as a replay operator with other members of the student ESPN+ broadcast team in the control booth during Saturday's game against the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
    A student production team brings South sports to a nationwide audience on the ESPN+ network. Some of the crew members are communications majors; all share a unique view of Jaguar athletics. ...
  • From L-R, Paul Sledge and Delmas McCryndle are interviewed by Dr. Kern Jackson and USA student Ruby Staten about growing up on the Five Rivers delta. A $453,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities will help make interviews like this one available to the general public. At the same time, create a structure for courses and internships through which students and faculty can continue to build relationships with the community through oral history.
    $453,000 NEH grant is the largest South has ever received for the humanities and will support multiple programs on campus. ...
  • Dr. Shenghua Zha, assistant professor in the USA College of Education and Professional Studies has recently written a grant to help future teachers learn how to integrate computer science in their K-12 subjects.
    NSF grant will help future elementary school teachers improve their subject knowledge, computational thinking and design skills. ...
  • At Thompson High School, Carter Mandy was on a state championship esports team. He's joined South's team and is majoring in radiologic sciences.
    Carter Mandy is a soccer referee, computer builder and esports gamer. At South, he's majoring in radiologic sciences and navigating campus on his dad's college bike. #FreshmanFocus ...
  • Current Master of Fine Arts in Creative Technology and Practice graduate student Micah Mermilliod’s work will be on display at the upcoming art show. Mermilliod works as a curatorial assistant at the ×îÉ«Íø Contemporary Art Center.
    Department of Art and Art History will exhibit works of current and former Master of Fine Arts in Creative Technology and Practice graduate students. ...
  • University of South ×îÉ«Íø Director of International Education & Study Abroad Dr. Bri Ard has received a Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program Award for 2021-2022.  The Fulbright Program is considered the largest and most prestigious educational exchange program, providing recent college graduates, graduate students and young professionals the opportunity to continue their education or professional development through research and study in a foreign country
    Dr. Bri Ard will teach American Studies at the University of Bucharest and conduct a qualitative research project on Romanian student life. ...
  • Keon Farmer, a nursing major from Pass Christian, Mississippi, says he's learning to play volleyball at the Student Recreation Center. “Whoever comes, comes, and we’ll play from 6:30 to 11 o’clock closing at night. It’s hard core.”
    Keon Farmer, a nursing major from Pass Christian, Miss., starts his career at South with a new sport, part-time job and spot on the First Year Council. #FreshmanFocus. ...
  • The pumpkin patch sales are scheduled for Friday, October 1, and Friday, October 22, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Glass Art Building. Glass pumpkins will be priced between $15 to $100, and purchases can be made via cash, check or credit card.
    Art students will showcase and sell their work raising funds to help maintain equipment for future glass students. ...
  • A vase manufactured with a small 3D printer in South’s chemistry building. Larger projects will now be possible after South landed an Economic Development Administration grant. The funding will be used to renovate the Science Laboratory Building and purchase mid-sized 3D printers. The University and local manufacturing companies will now be able to collaborate on research projects, in turn strengthening the local economy and providing students with the skills to work in a booming industry.
    The Economic Development Administration awards $644,045 to improve South's 3D printing capabilities, including a metal printer. ...
  • FeAunte’ Preyear has been promoted to Coordinator of Title IX in the division of Student Affairs at the University of South ×îÉ«Íø. She says her goal is, "to create an environment that is welcoming, accessible, inclusive and free from discrimination.”
    Preyear, a South alumna, will be responsible for overseeing the University's compliance with Title IX regulations. ...
  • Dr. Haidee Custodio, an infectious disease pediatrician and associate professor of pediatrics at USA Health, is enrolled in the University of South ×îÉ«Íø Spanish for Healthcare Professionals Graduate Certificate Program, hoping to become proficient in Spanish to better serve her non-English speaking patients.
    A new graduate certificate program prepares current and future healthcare professionals to serve Spanish-speaking patients. ...
  • Zuleima Russell, a senior majoring in biology, attends the University of South ×îÉ«Íø with her daughter, Erica Howell, and son, Randall Russell.
    Zuleima Russell, a senior studying biology, shares the South campus with a son in computer science and a daughter studying mechanical engineering. ...