
Academic Program Review

Academic Program Review (APR) is required of all programs without periodic, discipline-specific accreditation or approval. APR provides program faculty the opportunity to more thoroughly examine student outcomes and what steps can be taken to improve student success. 

APR operates on a seven-year cycle. New programs undergo APR after completing their post-implementation review by the ×îÉ«Íø Commission on Higher Education and every seven years thereafter. 

The Office of Institutional Effectiveness assists and coordinates the APR process by:

  • maintaining the review schedule;
  • providing orientation sessions for academic programs prior to review;
  • providing institutional data (in conjunction with Institutional Research);
  • compiling data for peer programs; 
  • conducting surveys and/or focus groups of current students upon request; and,
  • training on and assisting with Watermark’s Planning and Self-Study, the University’s assessment management system.

If you have questions or would like assistance, please contact the Office of Institutional Effectiveness at assessment@southalabama.edu or (251) 460-6447.


â–¼   What is an academic program review?
APR is a forward-thinking analysis that considers the program’s student outcomes and what actions can be taken to positively impact student success. It involves a comprehensive self-study as well as a report from an external reviewer.
â–¼   Why do programs undergo academic program reviews?
An academic program review is analogous to the periodic reviews completed by accredited programs. It provides a program with the opportunity to identify future direction, needs, and priorities as they related to student outcomes. The intent is to ensure students have support needed to achieve their educational goals.
â–¼   How are programs selected for academic program review?
Programs that do not have an external accrediting body undergo APR every seven years. OIE maintains a schedule in which approximately 8 to 10 programs undergo APR each year.
â–¼   How long does academic program review typically take?
The APR process is typically completed over three long semesters. This allows programs sufficient time to prepare and complete all of the required steps by the submission deadline.
â–¼   Who should be involved in the academic program review process?
Although the program may choose to appoint a committee to lead the academic program review process, wide-spread program level participation is expected. It is imperative that the program faculty consider the perceptions of all stakeholders – faculty, staff, administrators (advisers, recruiters, support staff), students, alumni, and employers.
â–¼   What documents should be included in the final submission of the academic program review to OIE?

The final submission to OIE through Watermark’s Planning & Self-Study should include a completed self-study with an action plan, the external reviewer’s report, and all required supporting documentation/evidence.

This handbook was designed to facilitate a successful academic program review (APR) process. It provides detailed information as to what an APR entails, including the specific steps and a timeline of the process. Guiding questions and other resources are provided to support self-study activities and lead to actionable items aimed at improving student outcomes over time. 

The Table of Contents can be used to quickly navigate to a specific section or resource. Resources include:

  • Suggestions for organizing the process
  • A comprehensive timeline
  • A detailed outline for the self-study
  • A list of the data and resources to be utilized
  • Guide to creating a curriculum map
  • And more…

Department chairs and program coordinators are encouraged to share this handbook and its accompanying resources with faculty and staff participating in the review to ensure everyone is aware of the expectations for completing an APR.

After reviewing this document, if you have questions about the APR process, please contact the Office of Institutional Effectiveness at assessment@southalabama.edu or (251) 460-6447.

Academic Program Review Handbook

2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027 2027-2028
Biomedical Sciences, BSBS Chemical Engineering, MSChE Biology, BS (inclusive of double majors: Biology and Education) Geography, BS
Civil Engineering, MSCE Communication, MA Biology, MS Interdisciplinary Studies Program, BA/BS
Environmental Sciences, MS Electrical Engineering, MSEE Communication Studies, BA Marine Conservation and Resource Management, MS
Exercise Science, BS Health Promotion, BS Educational Media and Technology, MS Marine Sciences, MS
Exercise Science, MS Health Promotion, MS Geology, BS Marine Sciences, PhD
Instructional Design and Development, MS

Mechanical Engineering, MSME

Sport Management and Recreation Studies, BS Mathematics and Statistics, BS (inclusive of double majors: Math and Education)
Instructional Design and Development, PhD Sociology, BA   Mathematics, MS
International Studies, BA     Political Science, BA
Systems Engineering, PhD     Public Administration, MPA
      Speech and Hearing Sciences, BSSH
      Sport Management, MS
      Systems Engineering, MS