Publications & Presentations
Brannan, L., & Szatkowski, H. (2017, July). The application of a Team-Based Learning model in a literacy methods course. Presented at the meeting of Professors of Literacy Teacher Educators, a special interest group of the International Literacy Association in Orlando, FL
Carr, P., Martin, C., & Estis, J. (2018, February). Instituting and assessing the impact of Team-Based Learning in a general education anthropology course. Presented at the Association of American Colleges and Universities General Education and Assessment Conference in Philadelphia, PA.
Choi, D., Davis, T., Estis, J., & Gordon-Hickey, S. (2018). Engaging speech-language pathologists and audiologists to identify clinical practice trends and inform team-based interprofessional education. Oral seminar, South ×îÉ«Íø Conference on Teaching and Learning (CoTL).
Cummings, R. (2018). A Team-Based Learning Approach to Teaching Principles of Real Estate. Presented at the Academy of Business Research Conference in New Orleans, LA.
Davis, T., Choi, D. Estis, J., & Gordon-Hickey, S. (2018). Interprofessional Practice Trends Inform Best Practice in Interprofessional Education in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology. Research Poster, Nexus Summit 2018, National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education.
Davis, T., Choi, D., Estis, J., & Gordon-Hickey, S. (2019, January). Understanding neurogenic communication disorders in a collaborative context: A team-based interprofessional education approach for speech-language pathology and audiology students. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, SIG 2.
Estis, J., & Martin, C. (2017, December). What happens when you try something new in the classroom? Student impressions of Team-Based Learning. Presented at the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges Annual Meeting in Dallas, TX.
Estis, J. (2018, March). TBL on a university-wide scale: Implementation and impact. Presented at the Team-Based Learning Collaborative Conference in San Diego, CA.
Estis, J., & Kubitz, K. (2018, March). Evaluating multiple choice questions for readiness assurance tests and application activities. Presented at the Team-Based Learning Collaborative Conference in San Diego, CA.
Estis, J., Gordon-Hickey, S., Davis, T., & Choi, D. (2018). Team-Based Interprofessional Education Prepares Students for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice. Oral seminar, South ×îÉ«Íø Conference on Teaching and Learning (CoTL).
Fregeau, L., Leier, R., Chikatla, S., Cornejo, W., and Ojiambo, U. (2018). Connecting North and South: Engaging English Learners from Latin America with U.S. World Languages Undergraduates through Reciprocal Service Learning. Presented at the Comparative and International Education Conference in Mexico.
Grimm, L. (2018). The Significant Impact of a Dedicated Team-Based Learning Curriculum on a Surgery Clerkship and Standardized National Examinations. Presented at the 38th Annual Meeting of the Association for Surgical Education (ASE) in Austin, TX.
Lewis, C. (2018, March). An innovative TBL module for teaching ethics in human subjects research. Presented at the Team-Based Learning Collaborative Conference in San Diego, CA.
Lewis, D. (2018, March). Assessing student performance in your TBL course with Standards-Based Grading. Presented at the Team-Based Learning Collaborative Conference in San Diego, CA.
Lewis, D. & Clontz, S. (2018). An Introduction to Team-Based Learning. Presented at the Mathematical Association of America MathFest in Denver, CO.
Moore, B., Styron, J., & Styron, R. (2018, March). Exploring computer-based and paper-based perceptions of Team-Based Learning’s readiness assurance process. Presented at the Team-Based Learning Collaborative Conference in San Diego, CA.
O'Connor, T. (2018). Using a Team Based Learning Approach in an Occupational Therapy Professional Development Course. Research Poster, ×îÉ«Íø Occupational Therapy Fall Conference.
Parrish, C. (2018). Transforming an online course through team-based learning. Presentation for the Eighth Annual South ×îÉ«Íø Conference on Teaching and Learning. Mobile, AL.
Peterson, K. (2018, March). Team-Based Learning in the humanities. Presented at the Intermountain Teaching for Learning Conference in Henderson, NV.
Smith, K. (2018). Communication Development. The Team-Based Learning Collaborative Resource Portal.
Styron, J. L., Risling, R., Styron R.A. & Creel, A. (2018, May). Bridging the Curricular Divide: How Team-Based Learning Engages Students and Achieves Learning Outcomes Across Degree Programs. Two Session Workshop at Educational Scholarship Day. Eastern Virginia Medical School. Norfolk, VA.
Szatkowski, H., & Brannan, L. (2018, March). A student-centered approach to peer evaluation in Team-Based Learning. Presented at the Team-Based Learning Collaborative Conference in San Diego, CA.
Wright, T., Lynch, C., Swanzy, D., Jordan, K., Estis, J. (2018, March). TBL based integration of clinical situations to enhance nursing student perceptions of the elderly: A mixed-methods study. Presented at the Team-Based Learning Collaborative Conference in San Diego, CA.
Wolter Ferreira Touma, D. (2018). An experience with Team Based Learning in changing the culture at senior level classes.
Beverly, B. L., & Wooster, D. (2018). An interprofessional education initiative for allied health students
preparing to serve individuals with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Allied Health,
47(2), 90–95.
Lewis, D., Clontz, S., and Farmer, S. (2018). Team-Based Learning Hybrid Emporium in Precalculus. Student Engagement in Mathematics through an Institutional Network for Active Learning Phase II (National Science Foundation), (Submitted).
Lewis, D., Clontz, S., Chaudhury, S., Estis, J., and van Haneghan, J. (2018). Development of a Team-Based Learning Approach to Teaching Linear Algebra. National Science Foundation Improving Undergraduate Stem Education, (Submitted).
Estis, J. M. (2017). Changing culture through active learning. In Styron, R. A. & Styron, J. L. (Eds.), Comprehensive Problem-Solving and Skill Development for Next-Generation Leaders (pp. 96-115). IGI Global: Business Science Reference.
Styron, R. A., & Styron, J. L. (Eds.) (2017). Comprehensive Problem-Solving and Skill Development for Next-Generation Leaders. IGI Global: Business Science Reference.
Brannan, L. (2017, May). Student-centered peer evaluation in Team-Based Learning courses. Presented at the 7th Annual South ×îÉ«Íø Conference on Teaching and Learning, Mobile, AL.
Dullet, S., Ballard, H., & Hundley, T.J. (2017, June). Using modified Team-Based Learning to incorporate patient safety methods into morbidity and mortality conference. Presented at the 2017 Annual Scientific Meeting of the ×îÉ«Íø and Mississippi Chapters of the American College of Physicians, Point Clear, AL. Won first place for Best Early Career Physician Poster
Estis, J. & Martin, C. (2017, May). What happens when you try a new way of teaching? Student opinions of Team-Based Learning. Presented at the 7th Annual South ×îÉ«Íø Conference on Teaching and Learning, Mobile, AL.
Gubler, C. & Fletcher, J. (2017, March). From healthcare to health: Teaching interprofessional health promotion using TBL. Poster presented at the Team-Based Learning Collaborative Conference, Orlando, FL.
Mattson, S., Allison, E., Byrd, K., Moore, B., Johnson, P., Anderson, J., & Rand. A. (2017, May). The SoTL studio: Snapshots of the scholarships of teaching and learning at USA. Presented at the 7th Annual South ×îÉ«Íø Conference on Teaching and Learning, Mobile, AL.
Rudd, A. & Estis, J. M. (2017, March). Team-Based Interprofessional Simulation (TBIS): A framework for student preparation and application across healthcare professions. Poster presented at the Team-Based Learning Collaborative Conference, Orlando, FL.
Smith, K., & Estis, J. (2017, May). Effectiveness of Team-Based Learning in an introductory speech and hearing sciences course. Presented at the 7th Annual South ×îÉ«Íø Conference on Teaching and Learning, Mobile, AL.
Stanfield, C. (2017, May). Finally, TBL success after only three years. Presented at the 7th Annual South ×îÉ«Íø Conference on Teaching and Learning, Mobile, AL.
Wright, T., Lynch, C., Swanzy, D., & Jordan, K. (2017, April). An investigation into attitudinal shifts of nursing students towards the elderly population following a Team-Based Learning experience in the community setting with the elderly population. Podium Presentation at The 4th Annual Program of the ×îÉ«Íø, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas Transcultural Nursing Society (TCNS) Networking Chapters, Clinton, MS.
Hundley, T.J., & Ballard H. (2016, October). Team-Based Learning on an internal medicine clerkship. Presented at the Alliance of Academic Internal Medicine Skills Development Conference, National Harbor, MD.
Mattson, S., Allison, E., Byrd, K., Rand, A., Johnson, P., Anderson, J., & Moore, B. (2016, November). The SoTL studio: Launching a faculty learning community to improve student learning. Presented at the Mid-South Educational Research Association, Mobile, AL.
Brown, C. & Powell, L. (2015). How Flipped is Your Classroom? Team Based Learning Collaborative. St. Petersburg, FL.
Brown, C. & Powell, L. (2015). Can Team Based Learning Improve Academic Effort? Proposal accepted for presentation at the 2015 South ×îÉ«Íø Conference on Teaching and Learning. Mobile, AL.
Powell, L. & Brown, C. (2015). Influence of Gender and Learning Community on eBook Engagement Time. Proposal accepted for presentation at the 2015 South ×îÉ«Íø Conference on Teaching and Learning. Mobile, AL.
Cranford, S. & Bendolph, A. (2015). Peer Review using CATME. Proposal accepted for presentation at the 2015 South ×îÉ«Íø Conference on Teaching and Learning. Mobile, AL.
Gecewicz, C. (2015). Tearing Down Boundaries in the Language Classroom with TBL. Proposal accepted for presentation at the 2015 South ×îÉ«Íø Conference on Teaching and Learning. Mobile, AL.
Khan, Z. (2015). Team Up for Success: Assessing the Effectiveness of the TBL Format in Upper-Level Foreign Language Classrooms. Proposal accepted for presentation at the 2015 South ×îÉ«Íø Conference on Teaching and Learning. Mobile, AL.
Landry, J., McKinney, D., & Pardue, H. (2015). Team-Based Learning in the School of Computing: A Progress Report. Proposal accepted for presentation at the 2015 South ×îÉ«Íø Conference on Teaching and Learning. Mobile, AL.
McKinney, D. (2015). Where do I belong: A Team-based, Inquiry-based, and Service-learning Approach to an Introductory Course in Computer Science. Proposal accepted for presentation at the 2015 University of South ×îÉ«Íø Conference on Teaching and Learning. Mobile, AL.
Miller, K., Moore, B., & Styron, J. (2015). Using Backward Design to Craft Application Activities in a Team-Based Learning Environment. Proposal accepted for presentation at the 2015 South ×îÉ«Íø Conference on Teaching and Learning. Mobile, AL.
Odom, M. (2015). Can Team-Based Learning Novice or: How I Might Have Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Teaching Media Law with TBL. Proposal accepted for presentation at the 2015 South ×îÉ«Íø Conference on Teaching and Learning. Mobile, AL.
Preudhomme, D. (2015). Outside the classroom: Use of TBL to Provide Accredited Continuing Education to Non-Student Professionals. Proposal accepted for presentation at the 2015 South ×îÉ«Íø Conference on Teaching and Learning. Mobile, AL.
Styron, R. A., Styron, J. L., & Peterson, K. (2015). The What and How of Leading a Campus-Wide Team-Based Learning Initiative. Team-Based Learning Collaborative Conference. Tampa, FL.
Swanzy, D., Johnson, P., Jordan, K., & Lynch, C. (2015). The Impact of a Team Based Interactive Approach to Teaching Dietary Management of Diabetes. Proposal accepted for presentation at the 2015 University of South ×îÉ«Íø Conference on Teaching and Learning. Mobile, AL.
Creel, A.(2014). USA EMS Students are Critical Thinking Clinicians, Not Just Ambulance Drivers. The 13th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications: EISTA 2014. Orlando,FL.
Estis, J. M. & Gordon-Hickey, S. (2014). Engaging Students and Enhancing Outcomes through Team-Based Learning. Invited faculty development workshop for the Department of Speech-language Pathology and other departments of the Nathan Weiss Graduate College, Kean University. Union, NJ.
Johnson, P. & Younce, A. (2014). The Impact of Team-Based Learning on Undergraduate Nursing. Sigma Theta Tau Region 8 Conference. Indianapolis, IN.
Preudhomme, D. (2014). Solving the Metabolic Syndrome Puzzle in Adolescents. Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine Conference. Austin, TX.
Styron, R. A., & Styron, J. L. (2014). Using a Common Pedagogy Across Multiple Disciplines to Improve Student Learning. The 12th International Conference on Education, Information Systems, Technology Applications: EISTA 2014. Orlando, FL.
Fearn, M., L., & Jordan, K., J. (2014). Team-Based Learning in Physical Geography. Association of American Geographers. Tampa, FL.
Gordon-Hickey, S. & Estis, J. (2014). Creating meaningful Team-Based Learning application activities to enhance critical thinking. Council for Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders Conference. Orlando, FL.
Johnson, Pam (2014). The Impact of Team-Based Learning on Undergraduate Nursing. Sigma Theta Tau Region 8 Conference, Indianapolis, IA.
Landry, J. & McKinney, D. (2014). Addressing Risk Head-On To Overcome TBL Adoption Failure. University of South ×îÉ«Íø Teaching and Learning Conference. Mobile, AL.
Peterson, K. (2014). Service-Learning and Team Based Learning Engage Together. University of South ×îÉ«Íø Teaching and Learning Conference. Mobile, AL.
Styron, J. L., Dearman, D., Whitworth, S., & Brown, H. (2014). Interprofessional Collaborative Practice to Improve Patient Outcomes: A Pilot Study. The 12th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications: EISTA 2014. Orlando, FL. BEST PAPER AWARD
Styron, R.A. QEP Year One: The impact of Team-Based Learning on Critical Thinking, Collaboration, and Persistence. 2014 South ×îÉ«Íø Teaching and Learning Conference, Mobile, AL.
Styron, R. A. & Styron, J. L. Using a Common Pedagogy Across Multiple Disciplines to Improve Student Learning. Accepted presentation for the Education, Information Systems, Technology Applications, EISTA 2014 Conference.
Younce, A., Horton, H., Smith, K., (2014). Backing into Team-Based Learning. Team-Based Learning Collaborative Annual Conference. Fort Worth, TX.
Creel, A. Garmon, D. (2014). Creation of AGEMSS TBL Technology Classroom. ×îÉ«Íø Preventative Health and Health Services Block Award. (Funded-- $25,000)
Johnson, P., White, L., Preud'Homme, D., Davis, C., & Haas, L. (2014). Establishing a Local Chapter of the Institute of Healthcare Improvement Open School at the University of South ×îÉ«Íø. Health Sciences Award. (Funded-$1500)
Kennedy, E., Wooster, D., Beverly, B., Moore, R. & Styron, R. A. (2014). Preparation of Special Education, Early Intervention, and Related Services Leadership Personnel, $1,050,527 grant proposal. (Unfunded)
Gordon-Hickey, S. & Estis, J. (2013). Utilizing Team Based Learning in Health Sciences. University of South ×îÉ«Íø Teaching and Learning Conference, Mobile, AL.
Stanfield, C., Estis, J., Gordon-Hickey, S. & Gubler, C. (2013). Team Based Learning: A Different Approach to Teaching Anatomy and Physiology. Human Anatomy and Physiology Society Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
Howell, N. (2013). Using Team-Based Leaning (TBL) in a First Year Experience Course. University of South ×îÉ«Íø Teaching and Learning Conference, Mobile, AL
Landry, J. & McKinney, D. (2013). Team-Based Learning: An Organic Adoption. University of South ×îÉ«Íø Teaching and Learning Conference, Mobile, AL.
Palanki, S. (2013). Team-Based Learning in a Senior Chemical Engineering Class. University of South ×îÉ«Íø Teaching and Learning Conference, Mobile, AL.
Peterson, K. (2013). Team-Based Learning for Critical Thinking in Humanities. University of South ×îÉ«Íø Teaching and Learning Conference, Mobile, AL.
Preudhomme, D. (2013). Solving the Metabolic Syndrome Puzzle in Adolescents. Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine Conference. Austin, TX.
Styron, R. A. (2013). Interdisciplinary Education: A Reflection of the Real World. Plenary Speaker, Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications Conference. Orlando, FL.
Gordon-Hickey, S. & Estis, J. (2013). Utilizing Team Based Learning in Health Sciences. University of South ×îÉ«Íø Teaching and Learning Conference, Mobile, AL.
Styron, R. A. (2012). Critical Thinking and Collaboration: A Strategy to Enhance Student Learning. Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications Conference, Orlando, FL.