
K-12 Resource Repository

  1. Cryptography - Todd Andel
    This would be good for a high school math or computing class
  2. Creating a Basic Web Page - Debra Chapman
    This is elementary web design/HTML coding designed for 3-5 graders.
  3. Creating a Web Page - Debra Chapman
    This is HTML coding designed for 9-12th graders.
  4. Brain-Computer Interface - Matt Campbell
    This would be good for middle or high school logic/decision making class or a life science class
  5. Project Management - Critical Path Method - Jeff Landry
    This is a logic/decision making concept for middle school. Note-there is no use of computers in this field trip
  6. Elementary Programming using Scratch the Cat - Debra Chapman
    This is appropriate for end of year K-5 and first graders
  7. Object Oriented Programming using Scratch the Cat - Debra Chapman
    This is appropriate for 3rd - 5th grade.
  8. Beginning Object Oriented Programming with ALICE - Debra Chapman
    Object Oriented Programming - Students will learn about introductory Object Oriented programming concepts, including objects, properties, and methods using the ALICE programming software. - Educational Level: 6-8
  9. Advanced Object Oriented Programming with ALICE - Debra Chapman
    Students will learn about advanced Object Oriented programming concepts, including method scope and interactivity through events using the ALICE programming software. 6th � 8th grade.
  10. Video Podcasting - Debra Chapman
    Creating a Video Podcast - Students will learn how to create a video podcast, including separate audio and video files, using Audacity and Windows Movie Maker. Educational Level: 6-12
  11. Android App - Keith Lynn
    Students will learn the basics of creating an Android App including creation of views, and handling of events. Education Level: 9 - 12
  12. Creating simple music - Keith Lynn
    The students will learn to create simple midi sounds using the javax.sound.midi package. - Education Level: 7 - 12
  13. Creating PDFs with Java - Keith Lynn
    In this field trip, the students will learn to use the third party application itext to create their own PDF files using Java Education Level: 9 -12
  14. Reading and Writing Excel documents - Keith Lynn
    Reading and Writing Excel documents Short Description: The students will learn to use the 3rd party application POI in order to read and write Microsoft Excel documents. - Education Level: 9 - 12
  15. Hangman - Keith Lynn
    In this field trip, the students will learn how to create a simple hangman game - Education Level: 7 - 12
  16. Setting up a web server - Keith Lynn
    In this field trip, the students will learn to setup the Apache webserver and Tomcat servlet container locally. Education Level: 9 - 12
  17. Creating a Find a Word Puzzle in Java - Keith Lynn
    The students will learn to create a simple puzzle in which words are hidden and the user locates them. - Education Level: 9 - 12
  18. A memory game - Keith Lynn
    In this field trip, the students will learn how to place buttons or other shapes on the screen in pairs. The user will attempt to choose buttons that contain the same text or image. - Education Level: 7 - 12
  19. Create a crossword puzzle in Java - Keith Lynn
    In this field trip, students will learn how to create a simple crossword puzzle Education Level: 9 - 12
  20. Create a digital alarm clock in Java - Keith Lynn
    In this field trip, the students will learn how to access the system time in a thread so they can display the current time and set a timer so that something happens when a time is reached. - Education Level: 7 - 12
  21. Creating and Saving Fractals - Keith Lynn
    Creating and Saving Fractals - Short Description: In this field trip, the students will learn how to draw fractal images such as Jula Sets and the Mandelbrot set and use the netpbm package to store the images. - Education Level: 9 - 12
  22. Creating and Reading .zip files in java - Keith Lynn
    In this field trip, the students will learn to use the java.util.zip package to read and create .zip files. - Education Level: 9 - 12
  23. Building a Retro Gaming Console Using Raspberry Pi - Matt Campbell
    Students will learn how to build their own retro gaming console (e.g. Atari 2600, Nintendo, Sega) using a Raspberry Pi and open source software. Educational Level: 4-10 Field trip type: Workshop
  24. Cyber Ethics - Todd McDonald
    Students will learn how to use forensic tools ethically. Educational Level: 10-12 Field trip type: Workshop
  25. Steganography - Todd McDonald
    Students with some knowledge of computers and programming can gain deeper insight into software security and privacy. Educational Level: 11th – 12th Grade: Workshop
  26. Digital Logic with the Program Encryption Toolkit - Todd McDonald
    Students with some knowledge of computers and programming will learn about basic digital logic and circuits and how security impacts their design. Educational Level: 11th – 12th Grade: Workshop
  27. Using a Raspberry Pi to light an LED - Keith Lynn
    Students will learn how to assemble items such as LEDs and resistors on a breadboard and to use the Raspberry Pi and Python to control the LED. Educational Level: 9th – - 12th Grade: Workshop
  28. Learning to Program with Logo - Keith Lynn
    Students will learn to create simple programs using the Logo programming language. Educational Level: 2nd – 12th Grade: Workshop