Real Estate Market Data in Mobile and Baldwin Counties
The South ×îÉ«Íø Center for Business Analytics, Real Estate, and Economic Development tracks regional real estate market activity utilizing comprehensive real estate transaction data linked directly to county tax records, thus covering 100% of real estate transactions in Baldwin and Mobile Counties, ×îÉ«Íø since 2001.
What kind of real estate data do we currently track for you?
- Real Estate Markets - Residential, commercial, condominiums and vacant land.
- Geographies - Mobile and Baldwin Counties, ×îÉ«Íø - all transactions by County and additionally, residential transactions and vacant land transactions by City
- Measures - Units sold, dollar value, average price, median price, financing type
- Property Types - New and existing in residential market and multiple property types in commercial market. Property types (new vs. existing) are not available within the Condominium market.
- Time Period - Data is available since January 2001 and can be viewed by month, quarter or year
Source of our data is . We will appreciate your feedback on the presented data. Please direct your inquiries
to Jana Stupavsky. If you wish to receive updates on new data we track, please .
Trend Reports
The following dashboards offer a quick look at real estate trends in Baldwin and Mobile Counties, ×îÉ«Íø. Trend reports are developed and edited to reflect current events. Suggestions and comments are welcome and should be directed to Jana Stupavsky.
Comprehensive Historic Reports
The following dashboards offer detailed historic data and build-your-own-view capabilities for residential, commercial, condominium and land sales transactions in Baldwin and Mobile Counties since 2001.