
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Statistics

Students working on math problems on white board.


The Department of Mathematics and Statistics in the College of Arts in Sciences provides dynamic learning experiences for undergraduate students. Earn a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Statistics, minor in mathematics or minor in applied statistics. Students receive a broad liberal and mathematics education, combined with focused training in a variety of subfields. Choose from concentrations in pure math, statistics, applied math and math education. Students pursuing a degree in mathematics and statistics also must have a minor in another discipline.

Why Major in Mathematics and Statistics?

The study of mathematics and statistics focuses on the core problem-solving and quantitative reasoning skills that form the backbone of most scholarly and professional pursuits. Because of this versatility, a concentration in mathematics and statistics can serve as a "wild card" that will prepare you for success in a multitude of careers and graduate programs, whether you choose it as your major, or as a double-major or minor complementing another degree program.

Careers in Mathematics and Statistics

While a degree in many programs of study will only prepare you for a single career, there are far more careers for mathematics and statistics majors than just "mathematician" or "statistician".

  • Often, math/stat majors go on to specialized graduate programs in medicine, law, or engineering. A degree in mathematics and statistics can help your application stand out from the crowd, while preparing you for a wide variety of future challenges.
  • Careers in technology; such as software engineering, cryptography, cybersecurity, and big data; are rewarding, well-compensated, and frequently changing. Rather than focusing on specific techniques that will be outdated in a decade, a course of study in mathematics and statistics will give you the essential skills that will help you adapt to new frontiers in technology as they come in demand.
  • A solid foundation in quantitative skills is essential for success in financial and actuarial sciences. Whether you're distilling complicated financial models for consumers, analyzing risk for an insurance company, or predicting the value of a potential investment, a degree in mathematics and statistics will serve you well.
  • And of course, a degree in mathematics and statistics will prepare you for a potential career as an academic researcher, or an instructor teaching the next generation of students studying mathematics and statistics.


鈻   Choose a Concentration

A four-year plan

Below are sample four-year plans for mathematics and statistics concentrations:

鈻   Minor in Mathematics or Applied Statistics

Students of other majors can minor in mathematics or applied statistics. 

Click below for minor requirements:

鈻   Department of Mathematics and Statistics (DMS) Departmental Honors Program

Department of Mathematics and
Statistics (DMS) Departmental Honors Program
Proposed program start: Fall 2022


To enrich and reward student engagement with mathematics and enhance their profiles for 
scholarship, math careers, and graduate studies.

How to Join
鈼  Incoming mathematics and statistics majors may apply to join the DMS honors program if they have 
an overall 3.0 high school GPA, or a recommendation letter from their mathematics teacher. Current 
mathematics and statistics majors with a 3.0 GPA may apply to join the DMS honors program by 
providing a recommendation letter from a current or past mathematics and statistics instructor.

To graduate with 鈥淒epartmental Honors鈥, students must satisfy each of the following requirements 
(unless waived by the departmental Student Affairs Committee):
Have a 3.5 cumulative GPA at graduation. This requirement cannot be waived.
鈼 Have a 3.5 GPA in the Math/Stats major courses.
鈼  Complete at least 9 honors designated course credit hours from eligible MA/ST courses. Out of 
the 9 credit hours, at least 6 must be 300+ level courses. At least 3 hours must be fulfilled by 
taking MA/ST 499. MA/ST 499 may be taken a second time.
鈼 Attend MA/ST seminars and colloquia suitable for undergraduate students.
Successfully defend an undergraduate honors thesis project. This cannot be waived.

Honors Designated Courses
The honors designated courses will play an integral part of the work required for a student to 
graduate from the DMS Honors program. The work done within honors designated courses can take the 
form of a project (for example, solve a particular case of a problem, write up the code
for a specific mathematical/statistics research question, use existing code to produce data

bases of useful mathematical/statistical items, etc.) or extra work which explores, in more depth, 
the topics taught in the specific class. The student should agree with the course instructor on a 
content proposal, which should include a scope of work to be completed, and be submitted for 
approval by the departmental Student Affairs Committee. The deadline to submit the content proposal 
to the Students Affairs Committee is 5pm the Friday of the third week of classes.

Honors Thesis Project

To begin an honors thesis project, the student must complete a proposal form that indicates at 
least three faculty members of the University who will serve on the thesis project committee. At 
least two of those members, including the chair, must be DMS Faculty. The thesis project may begin 
once this form is signed by all committee members and the departmental Student Affairs chair.

Generally, the format of the thesis project will follow the guidelines set by the Graduate School 
for a Master鈥檚 thesis. An honors thesis should include creative research by the student, but not 
necessarily novel results. An honors thesis project may be
鈼 a survey of known math/stat results or,
鈼 a research project in collaboration with a faculty member outside the math/stat dept that 
includes sufficient mathematical/statistical content.
The thesis project must be accepted by the full thesis project committee and a representative of 
the Honors College following an oral defense. Enrollment in MA/ST 499 is required for completing 
the thesis project

Undergraduate Seminar/Colloquia

The department offers regular seminars and colloquia throughout the academic year. Some of these 
are suited for an undergraduate audience. During these presentations students are
exposed to possible research topics and techniques.

鈻   Contests and Scholarships
Scholarship Services offers a variety of scholarships for students. The Department of Mathematics and Statistics also offers several undergraduate scholarships that are awarded each year in the Spring semester to rising junior and senior students. There are also many contests held each year that offer scholarships to students. Click here for more information.
鈻   Math Technology Lab

The Math Technology Lab is located in ASC 1301.


  • 137 computer workstations with Internet access
  • Separate testing area and private tutoring rooms
  • Study room for one-on-one or group tutoring
  • Tutors and instructors available during all operating hours to assist students
鈻   Undergraduate Program Coordinator

It is important that every student in the undergraduate program regularly confer with their advisor. 

G. Abeynanda, Undergraduate Program Coordinator, gsabeynanda@southalabama.edu