
Art & Art History Student Organizations

The USA Department of Art & Art History provides many opportunities for students to be involved. Student organizations have been formed for all of the visual art disciplines. Reach out, plug in, and enjoy being a part of the various activities happening around the art department.

â–¼   Art History Association
Faculty Advisors: Kara Burns | kkburns@southalabama.edu & Elizabeth Richards | erivenbark@southalabama.edu
â–¼   Graphic Design Association

Faculty Advisor: Matt Johnson | mattjohnson@southalabama.edu

The Graphic Design Association was formed to bring together students majoring in graphic design at the University of South ×îÉ«Íø. The goal of the organization is to encourage a sense of community within the Department of Art & Art History. The GDA plans annual holiday events, extracurricular activities, juried shows, feedback sessions, fundraisers, and so much more.

â–¼   Oracle Fine Arts Review

Faculty Art Advisor: Diane Gibbs | dgibbs@southalabama.edu

Oracle Fine Arts Review is published annually by the University of South ×îÉ«Íø. It features fiction, nonfiction, poetry, painting, photography, drawing, sculpture, illustration, glass, printmaking, and ceramics. The journal publishes in the Spring.

Available Late Spring Semester in main Art Department office or English Department office
Call for Entries Deadline Mid Fall Semester