
Performance Evaluation

The purpose of the AOTA Fieldwork Performance Evaluation (FWPE) for occupational therapy students 2020 is to measure entry-level competency of the occupational therapy student, differentiate the competent student from the incompetent student, and measure the performance of the student on the established learning objects for placement.

The AOTA FWPE form should be used to measure the OT student's ability to carry out the OT process. There are 37 performance items in 6 sections corresponding with the major competencies required to complete the OT process in a professional and ethical manner:

Fundamentals of Practice
Basic Tenets of Practice
Screening & Evaluation
Management of OT Services
Communication and Professional Behaviors

A four-point rating scale is used to describe the student's competence:
4 = Exemplary Performance: Demonstrates satisfactory competence in specific skills consistently; demonstrates substantial breadth and depth in understanding and/or skillful application of fundamental knowledge and skills.
3 = Proficient Performance: Demonstrates satisfactory competence in specific skills; demonstrates adequate understanding and/or application of fundamental knowledge and skills.
2 = Emerging Performance: Demonstrates limited competence in specific skills (inconsistencies may be evident); demonstrates limited understanding and/or application of fundamental knowledge and skills (displays some gaps and/or inaccuracies).
1 =  Unsatisfactory Performance: Fails to demonstrate competence in specific skills; performs in an inappropriate manner; demonstrates inadequate understanding and/or application of fundamental knowledge and skills; (demonstrates significant gaps and/or inaccuracies).

The supervisor must score all items!

  • A score of 3 or higher on the "Fundamentals of Practice '' (Safety & Ethics) items will be required to receive a Pass on the FWPE.
  • Scores of 1 on any of the items is NOT allowed to receive a Pass on the final FWPE.
  • A sum score of 111 or higher will be required to receive a Pass on the Final FWPE for OTS

It is suggested that the student complete a self-evaluation of his or her performance at midterm and final. After you have completed the FWPE, please meet with the student to discuss his or her performance and review both the student's self-evaluation and your completed evaluation of the student.  The student and supervisor who participated in scoring the student's performance should sign the form.

The OT program at USA requires that the midterm and final AOTA performance evaluation be completed on all level II fieldwork students.