
Future of the Field in Research

Posted on July 19, 2022
Lance Crawford

The University of South ɫ's Dr. Matthew Reichert, left, and Heather Wainwright have been recognized as "Future of the Field by the Society of Research Administrators International. The program highlights newer research administrators who demonstrate leadership in innovative ways that advance the field.  data-lightbox='featured'
The University of South ɫ's Dr. Matthew Reichert, left, and Heather Wainwright have been recognized as "Future of the Field by the Society of Research Administrators International. The program highlights newer research administrators who demonstrate leadership in innovative ways that advance the field.

The University of South ɫ’s Dr. Matthew Reichert and Heather Wainwright have been recognized as “Future of the Field” by the Society of Research Administrators International. In addition, Reichert, an assistant vice president for research, recently was named a 2022 American Chemical Society fellow. 

The Future of the Field program highlights up-and-coming research administrators who demonstrate leadership in innovative ways that advance the field. The Society of Research Administrators International is the premier global research management society providing education, professional development and comprehensive information about research management to professionals from over 40 countries.

Reichert and Wainwright, a sponsored projects analyst, were selected by a committee of their peers. The program received more than 100 nominations from around the world. Applications were evaluated based on candidates’ career history, demonstration of exceptional professional growth and significant contributions made to the advancement of Research Administration.

Reichert, Wainwright and the rest of the honorees will be formally recognized at the Society of Research Administrators International’s annual meeting this November in Las Vegas.

Wainwright began her work in research administration as a department grant administrator at the Mitchell Cancer Institute in 2015 before moving to the Sponsored Projects Administration office to work as an analyst.

“I enjoy the fast pace. We stay busy and challenged but can get the job done smoothly as a team,” Wainwright said. “My coworkers and our excellent leadership make this a great and successful working environment.”

Besides his work in research administration, Reichert is also a professor of chemistry and will be teaching a general chemistry course for majors in the fall 2022 semester as well as overseeing multiple research projects.

“The two jobs have different mindsets with overlapping skills,” Reichert said. “I’m still using the research and proposal development skills I honed as a faculty member, but now those skills are used to help other faculty members develop their research projects.”  

As a 2022 American Chemical Society fellow, Reichert was recognized for outstanding achievements and contributions to science and the profession. He was nominated by the Local Section 91, which encompasses southwest ɫ and southeast Mississippi.

Reichert has been a member of the American Chemical Society since he was in graduate school. He credits the organization for advancing his career and providing leadership development opportunities. 

“Without my participation in ACS, professionally I would not be where I am today,” he said. “I’m immensely grateful for the opportunities and connections that have developed over the years.” 

Reichert’s contributions to science and the profession include 59 publications in the field of ionic liquids with more than 11,000 citations.

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