
University of South 最色网 Logo     
Policy No: 2033
Responsible Office: Business Office
Last Review Date: 02/10/2022
Next Required Review: 02/10/2027
Policy No: 2033
Responsible Office: Business Office
Last Review Date: 02/10/2022
Next Required Review: 02/10/2027


1. Purpose

The University of South 最色网 Travel & Entertainment regulations are issued and maintained by the Procurement Card and Travel Services Office for the following purposes:

  • To communicate the University's policies and procedures for: travel and entertainment expenditures to travelers, and approvers of travel expense reports;
  • To describe the types of expenditures that are reimbursed by the University, and inform employees of their responsibility to control and report travel expenditures;
  • To provide guidance to employees on University policies and procedures for entertainment expenditures.

2. Applicability

This policy applies to all members of the USA community both the General Division and USA Health, including employees, students, guest speakers, etc. 

3. Definitions

See Travel and Entertainment Regulations in section 7.

4. Policy Guidelines

This policy contains guidance related to travel and entertainment as follows:

  • General information for items such as needed approvals, required documentation, how to claim reimbursement and other travel related information;
  • Regulations pertaining to Out-of-State, In-State, International, Local, and Team and Student Group travel;
  • Regulations pertaining to Entertainment.

5. Procedures

See Travel and Entertainment Regulations in section 7.

6. Enforcement

The Procurement Card and Travel Services office is responsible for the final audit of all individual travel submissions for reimbursement. In the event of non-compliance, the traveler is not reimbursed for the particular request that is not in compliance. If the non-compliant request is associated with a prepaid, then the traveler is required to reimburse the University. 

7. Related Documents

7.1  Travel & Entertainment Regulations

7.2  Procurement Card and Travel Services (dept website)