The Stallworth Endowed Scholarships in History

The Stallworth Bequest and Scholarships
In December, 2004 Mr. N. Jack Stallworth of Mobile gifted by will to the USA Foundation
assets providing for tuition scholarships through the Foundation, for the benefit
of USA students majoring in history, with an emphasis on southern history.
The Stallworth Scholarships include:
- The Montgomery Carlton Stallworth Endowed Scholarship (full tuition for the next academic year up to $3,500)
- The Minnie Lee Wilkins Stallworth Endowed Scholarship (full tuition for the next academic
year up to $3,500)
Mr. N. Jack Stallworth, a lifelong resident of Mobile, studied Forestry at Louisiana
State University, co-founded America 's Junior Miss Program and the Mobile Camellia
Ball, and was active in many businesses. In addition to the bequests mentioned above,
Mr. Stallworth's gifts to the USA Foundation include his Springhill Avenue home, built
in 1899, along with its contents, to be used for the benefit of the Foundation and
the University. Assets to fund the maintenance of the home, scholarships, and lectureship
are provided in the bequest.
The Department of History expresses sincere and lasting appreciation to Mr. Stallworth
for his support of our academic program.