
Undergraduate Senior Thesis In Biology

"Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose.
Zora Neale Hurston"

The Biology Senior Thesis Program offers bright, academically motivated undergraduate students the opportunity to develop research and communication skills in preparation for a graduate or professional career. To apply for admission in the program, a student must:

  1. have completed BLY 121, 121L, BLY 122, 122L , CH 131, Ch 132, plus one more upper division biology course.
  2. have earned a 3.25 GPA or better in biology courses attempted
  3. have earned a 3.0 GPA or better overall.
  4. obtained a recommendation from a faculty member.

In addition to fulfilling the requirements of the standard biology program, senior thesis students must:

  1. participate in the Undergraduate Senior Thesis in Biology Program for four terms: this may include summers
  2. complete a minimum of two semesters (6 cr) of directed research, three of which must be Honors Research (BLY 499)
  3. present a formal research prospectus including an introduction, proposed methods, and relevant literature citation (The prospectus must be submitted and approved during the first term of participation in the program.)
  4. produce a formal written report of the final research project in the form of a scientific paper
  5. present a formal oral defense of the final research project in an open forum in the Department of Biology
  6. make a poster presentation at the USA Annual Research Forum or the UCUR Annual Research Forum

Students participating in the Biology Senior Thesis Program who have a 3.5 GPA will also be eligible for University Departmental Honors status.

Biology students who are part of the Honors College will meet requirements for the Undergraduate Biology Senior Thesis and as well as those of the University's program.

Guidelines for research proposal

Graduate Program