function [x,resnorm,resid,exitflag,output,lambda] = lsqnonnegvect(C,d, options, varargin) %LSQNONNEGVECT Partly vectorized linear least squares with nonnegativity constraints based on % MATLAB function lsqnonneg. % % X = LSQNONNEGVECT(C,d) returns the matrix X, of which the kth column minimizes % NORM(d(:,k)-C*X(:,k)) subject to X >= 0. C and d must be real. Each column of d corresponds % to a distinct linear least squares problem % % X = LSQNONNEGVECT(C,d,OPTIONS) minimizes with the default optimization % parameters replaced by values in the structure OPTIONS, an argument % created with the OPTIMSET function. See OPTIMSET for details. Used % options are Display and TolX. (A default tolerance TolX of % 10*MAX(SIZE(C))*NORM(C,1)*EPS is used.) % % X = LSQNONNEGVECT(PROBLEM) finds the minimum for PROBLEM. PROBLEM is a % structure with the matrix 'C' in PROBLEM.C, the vector 'd' in % PROBLEM.d, the options structure in PROBLEM.options, and solver name % 'lsqnonneg' in PROBLEM.solver. The structure PROBLEM must have all the % fields. % % [X,RESNORM] = LSQNONNEGVECT(...) also returns the value of the squared 2-norm of % the residual: norm(d-C*X)^2. % % [X,RESNORM,RESIDUAL] = LSQNONNEGVECT(...) also returns the value of the % residual: d-C*X. % % [X,RESNORM,RESIDUAL,EXITFLAG] = LSQNONNEGVECT(...) returns an EXITFLAG that % describes the exit condition of LSQNONNEGVECT. Possible values of EXITFLAG and % the corresponding exit conditions are % % 1 LSQNONNEGVECT converged with a solution X. % 0 Iteration count was exceeded. Increasing the tolerance % (OPTIONS.TolX) may lead to a solution. % % [X,RESNORM,RESIDUAL,EXITFLAG,OUTPUT] = LSQNONNEGVECT(...) returns a structure % OUTPUT with the number of steps taken in OUTPUT.iterations, the type of % algorithm used in OUTPUT.algorithm, and the exit message in OUTPUT.message. % % [X,RESNORM,RESIDUAL,EXITFLAG,OUTPUT,LAMBDA] = LSQNONNEGVECT(...) returns % the dual vector LAMBDA where LAMBDA(i) <= 0 when X(i) is (approximately) 0 % and LAMBDA(i) is (approximately) 0 when X(i) > 0. % % See also LSQNONNEG. % version 2, 2014-08-06 % Adapted by David Provencher (Universit� de Sherbrooke, % from the following version of Matlab's lsqnonneg function : % $Revision: $ $Date: 2009/11/16 22:27:07 $ % Reference: % Lawson and Hanson, "Solving Least Squares Problems", Prentice-Hall, 1974. % Check if more inputs have been passed. In that case error. if nargin > 4 error('MATLAB:lsqnonneg:TooManyInputs', ... 'Too many input arguments.'); end defaultopt = struct('Display','notify','TolX','10*eps*norm(C,1)*length(C)'); % If just 'defaults' passed in, return the default options in X if nargin == 1 && nargout <= 1 && isequal(C,'defaults') x = defaultopt; return end % Detect problem structure input if nargin == 1 if isa(C,'struct') [C,d,options] = separateOptimStruct(C); else % Single input and non-structure. error('MATLAB:lsqnonneg:InputArg', ... ['The input should be either a structure with valid ',... 'fields or at least two arguments to LSQNONNEGVECT.']); end end if nargin == 0 error('MATLAB:lsqnonneg:NotEnoughInputs','LSQNONNEGVECT requires at least two input arguments.'); end if ~isreal(C) || ~isreal(d), error('MATLAB:lsqnonneg:ComplexCorD', 'C and d must be real.'); end % Check for non-double inputs if ~isa(C,'double') || ~isa(d,'double') error('MATLAB:lsqnonneg:NonDoubleInput', ... 'LSQNONNEGVECT only accepts inputs of data type double.') end if nargin > 2 % Check for deprecated syntax options = deprecateX0(options,nargin,varargin{:}); else % No options passed, set to empty options = []; end printtype = optimget(options,'Display',defaultopt,'fast'); tol = optimget(options,'TolX',defaultopt,'fast'); % In case the defaults were gathered from calling: optimset('lsqnonneg'): if ischar(tol) if strcmpi(tol,'10*eps*norm(c,1)*length(c)') tol = 10*eps*norm(C,1)*length(C); else error('MATLAB:lsqnonneg:OptTolXNotPosScalar',... 'Option ''TolX'' must be an positive scalar if not the default.') end end switch printtype case {'notify','notify-detailed'} verbosity = 1; case {'none','off'} verbosity = 0; case {'innerIter','innerIter-detailed'} warning('MATLAB:lsqnonneg:InvalidDisplayValueIter', ... '''innerIter'' value not valid for ''Display'' parameter for LSQNONNEGVECT.') verbosity = 3; case {'final','final-detailed'} verbosity = 2; otherwise error('MATLAB:lsqnonneg:InvalidOptParamDisplay',... 'Bad value for options parameter: ''Display''.'); end nModel = size(C,2); nData = size(d,2); % Initialize vector of nModel zeros and Infs (to be used later) nZeros = zeros(nModel,nData); % initilaize flag to indicate variables for which optimization is complete outerOptimDone = false(1,nData); dataVect = 1:nData; % Initialize set of non-active columns to null P = false(nModel,nData); % Initialize set of active columns to all and the initial point to zeros Z = true(nModel,nData); x = nZeros; resid = d - C*x; w = C'*resid; % Set up iteration criterion outerIter = 0; innerIter = 0; itmax = 3*nModel; exitflag = 1; % Data vectors with only zero or negative values do not need to be fitted zeroFitMask = sum(abs(w),1) <= tol; dataVectLeft = dataVect(~zeroFitMask); nDataLeft = numel(dataVectLeft); % Outer loop to put variables into set to hold positive coefficients while nDataLeft > 0 % any(~outerOptimDone) outerIter = outerIter + 1; % Reset intermediate solution z z = zeros(nModel,nDataLeft); % Create wz, a Lagrange multiplier vector of variables in the zero set. % wz must have the same size as w to preserve the correct indices, so % set multipliers to -Inf for variables outside of the zero set. wz = -Inf*ones(nModel, nDataLeft); wz(Z(:,dataVectLeft)) = w(Z(:,dataVectLeft)); % Find variable for which optimisation is not done with largest Lagrange % multiplier for each data vector [~,t] = max(wz); % Faster version of sub2ind(size(wz), t(~outerOptimDone), dataVect(~outerOptimDone)); ind = t + (dataVectLeft-1)*nModel; % Move variable t from zero set to positive set P(ind) = true; Z(ind) = false; % Compute intermediate solution using only variables in positive set Punique = uniqueCols(P(:,dataVectLeft)); for k = 1:size(Punique,2) modelInd = Punique(:,k); colInd = find( all(bsxfun(@eq,P(:,dataVectLeft), modelInd), 1)); globalInd = dataVectLeft(colInd); z(modelInd,colInd) = C(:,modelInd)\d(:,globalInd); end innerOptimDone = outerOptimDone; % inner loop to remove elements from the positive set which no longer % belong while any(z(P(:,dataVectLeft)) <= tol) innerIter = innerIter + 1; if innerIter > itmax msg = sprintf(['Exiting: Iteration count is exceeded, exiting LSQNONNEGVECT.', ... '\n','Try raising the tolerance (OPTIONS.TolX).']); if verbosity disp(msg) end exitflag = 0; output.iterations = outerIter; output.message = msg; output.algorithm = 'active-set'; resnorm = sum(resid.*resid); x = z; lambda = w; return end % Find indices where intermediate solution z is approximately negative Q = (z <= tol) & P(:,dataVectLeft); % This is equivalent to the lsqnonneg line alpha = min(x(Q)./(x(Q) - z(Q))) % since Q here can have multiple columns % Although a bit obscure, it can be 100-1000x faster than doing it in a loop [~,indx] = find(Q); alpha = NaN*ones(1,nDataLeft); ind = unique(indx); ind2 = dataVectLeft(ind); alpha(ind) = min(x(:,ind2).*Q(:,ind) ./ (x(:,ind2).*Q(:,ind) - z(:,ind).*Q(:,ind)), [],1); ind = isnan(alpha); innerOptimDone(dataVectLeft(ind)) = true; x(:,dataVectLeft(ind)) = z(:,ind); x(:,dataVectLeft(~ind)) = x(:,dataVectLeft(~ind)) + bsxfun(@times, (z(:,~ind) - x(:,dataVectLeft(~ind))), alpha(~ind)); dataVectLeft = dataVectLeft(~ind); nDataLeft = length(dataVectLeft); % Reset Z and P given intermediate values of x Z(:,dataVectLeft) = ((abs(x(:,dataVectLeft)) < tol) & P(:,dataVectLeft)) | Z(:,dataVectLeft); P(:,dataVectLeft) = ~Z(:,dataVectLeft); z = zeros(nModel,nDataLeft); % Re-solve for z in unfinished optimizations Punique = uniqueCols(P(:,dataVectLeft)); for k = 1:size(Punique,2) modelInd = Punique(:,k); colInd = find( all(bsxfun(@eq,P(:,dataVectLeft), modelInd), 1)); globalInd = dataVectLeft(colInd); z(modelInd,colInd) = C(:,modelInd)\d(:,globalInd); end end x(:,dataVectLeft) = z(:,1:nDataLeft); % Slow dataVectLeft = dataVect(~outerOptimDone); nDataLeft = length(dataVectLeft); resid = d(:,dataVectLeft) - C*x(:,dataVectLeft); w = C'*resid; doneFlag = false(1,nDataLeft); doneFlag(~any(Z(:,dataVectLeft),1) | ~any(w.*Z(:,dataVectLeft) > tol, 1)) = true; outerOptimDone(dataVectLeft) = doneFlag; % Remove values in w which are no longer necessary w = w(:,~doneFlag); dataVectLeft = dataVectLeft(~doneFlag); nDataLeft = length(dataVectLeft); innerIter = 0; end % Recompute residual using all data vectors resid = d - C*x; resnorm = sum(resid.^2); lambda = C'*resid; output.iterations = outerIter; output.algorithm = 'active-set'; msg = 'Optimization terminated.'; if verbosity > 1 disp(msg) end output.message = msg; end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- function options = deprecateX0(options,numInputs,varargin) % Code to check if user has passed in x0. If so, ignore it and warn of its % deprecation. Also check whether the options have been passed in either % the 3rd or 4th input. x0DeprecationStr = xlate(['Ignoring input argument X0. The input for X0 will be ', ... 'removed in a future release. See the help for valid syntax.']); x0DeprecationID = 'MATLAB:lsqnonneg:ignoringX0'; if numInputs == 4 % 4 inputs given; the 3rd (variable name "options") will be interpreted % as x0, and the 4th as options if ~isempty(options) % x0 is non-empty warning(x0DeprecationID,x0DeprecationStr); end % Take the 4th argument as the options options = varargin{1}; elseif numInputs == 3 % Check if a non-empty or non-struct has been passed in for options % If so, assume that it's an attempt to pass x0 if ~isstruct(options) && ~isempty(options) warning(x0DeprecationID,x0DeprecationStr); % No options passed, set to empty options = []; end end end %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Find unique columns of a matrix function uniqueCols = uniqueCols(A) [srtX, srtIdx] = sortrows(A'); dX = diff(srtX, 1, 1); unqIdx = [true; any(dX, 2)]; uniqueCols = A(:,srtIdx(unqIdx)); end